
Brainstorming and Spot Checks:

Payment is required at the time of booking. Please request work by emailing, letting me know which service you’d like to purchase and how many hours. I will provide an invoice for the total with payment due upon receipt of the invoice.

Assessments and Editing:

The day before work is to begin on your manuscript, you’ll be invoiced for half the cost of the edit (of which any amount paid for a sample edit will be deducted). Money is due upon receipt of that invoice. If work begins prior to the previously scheduled date, it is acceptable for the author to withhold payment until the original start date. Any work completed prior to the original start date will not be returned to the author until first payment has been made.

After returning your edited manuscript and/or any promised editorial letter/note, you’ll be invoiced for the remainder of the balance. That final payment will be due one week from receipt of the finished work.

Invoices will be made through Paypal. If for any reason payment is made prior to receiving any invoice, money is to be sent to


Minimum cost for any job is $100.

I reserve the right to turn down projects which I feel don’t suit me.

If an author is unable to provide their manuscript by start of business on the scheduled date, I will do my best to work the job in around other projects. However, if submitted late, I cannot guarantee finishing by the originally scheduled completion date.

In the unfortunate event I find myself with a project in which the submitted sample does not accurately reflect effort needed to complete the job, I will reach out to the author at which time the offer will be made to either return the work unfinished, the project cancelled, or we can agree upon an adjusted rate and delivery date. Any initial payment made for the work, minus Paypal fees and the $50 Sample Edit charge, will be refunded to the author within one week.

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